Debt Settlement Negotiations: A Guide to Do-it-Yourself

debt settlement negotiations

With Americans owing trillions of dollars in credit card debt, many consumers are turning to debt settlement negotiations to save money.  Debt settlement, debt management and consumer credit counseling are not for everyone, but some people see amazing results. Are you drowning in a sea of debt and feeling overwhelmed? You’re not alone. Many people …

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Bankruptcy vs Debt Settlement

bankruptcy vs debt settlement

It is very important to get wise counsel when considering bankruptcy or debt settlement. When you have taken on more debt than you can handle, you may reach the point where debt consolidation or bankruptcy are the only options. Before committing to any debt relief program, thoroughly assess all available options for debt resolution. Some …

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Consumer Credit Counseling vs Debt Reduction: Which is right for you?

consumer credit counseling vs debt settlement

For decades financial experts have been arguing about which is better, debt reduction or consumer credit counseling. Let’s delve into the pros and cons of debt relief, credit counseling and debt consolidation, as all have their place in the right situation. When you have too much consumer debt, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and constantly …

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What is Debt Settlement and Who Qualifies For It?

what is debt settlement

Debt settlement is the process in which we negotiate with our creditors to reduce the total amount of debt we owe. When the debt settlement plan is successful, the creditors agree to accept a lump sum payment that is less than the full amount owed, as they would prefer to receive some money rather than …

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How Do You Qualify For Debt Relief? Your Question Answered!

how do you qualify for debt relief

Debt relief can be an amazing financial tool but before you get too excited, you should make sure you qualify for a debt relief program. Securing a debt consolidation loan or a balance transfer credit card often necessitates having good credit and a stable income. On the other hand, most debt settlement companies may require …

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